Appetizers | Classics | Deep-Fried | Combo |
Broiled, Baked & Blackened | Deserts | Kids | Lunch

Shrimper's Delight
A delightful medley of gulf caoust favorites... Fried shrimp, boiled shrimp,
fried crab claws and a fried flounder fillet.


Captain's choice
Sgrimp Scampi, fried flounder, boilded shrimp and a tasty baked stuffed


Create Your Own Platter

Regular 11.50
Small 9.50

Create your own dinner by selection andy TWO choices. Enjoy!

Fried Crab Claws Stuffed Crabs
Fried Fish Fillet Shrimp Scampi
Sried Sgrimp Grilled Fish of the Day
Fried Scallops Broiled Scallops
Fried Soft-Shell Crab Baked Stuffed Sgrimp
Fried Oysters Grilled Chicken Breast
New Your Strip (Add, 1.50)
Combination of THREE Choices 14.95
Broiled Seafood Lover's Platter
Broiled scallops, flounder fillets, baked stuffed shrimp and boiled shrimp.
Fisherman's Pride
Start with a coup of our seafood gumbo, then enjoy a platter of fried shrimp,
crab claws, flounder fillet, scallops, oysters and a delicious stuffed crab

We always serve up the freshest, tastiest seafood in town! Your selection can be grilled,
fried or broiled.
Your server will tell you about today's great selections. Try one today!

Today's Catch - Stuffed with tasty crabmeat, dressing and topped with hollandaise
sauce, add 1.95

Today's Catch - Blackened and served with hollandaise sauce, add .95